Dear Friends,


What a drink at the well it has been to read all the fine, funny, and poignant messages.  As the old jalopy revs up and merges back into traffic, I find myself meditating on the quality of time of last week, how structured and breakneck it was at the time and how utterly suspended it seems in retrospect.  What a luxury to have a week to inhabit so many worlds at once: Winedale—the barn and the pecan trees and the starry nights and even all that heat—and courts and taverns and forests and streets—all of them simultaneously mythical and real.  Not to mention the nightly Shelby pajama party.


I feel stirred to the soul by being in your company and Doc’s and in the presence of those texts.  I am reminded of how much there is to mine from the words, how each rehearsal reveals something more than the one before, and how meaning lies at the intersection of infinite possibility and finite choice.  A lot to chew on.  Mostly, though, I am so grateful to have had the chance to be there with all of you who awed me with your skills and smarts and daring, and made me fall in love for the first time or all over again with your good hearts and your general hilariousness. 


But come, your epilogue!  I mean… your Bergomask!   


Your loving and devoted,




From: [] On Behalf Of Clay Stromberger
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] "...let the world slip, we shall ne'er be younger."


well said both of you, thanks.  i agree and some of my favorite moments arrived when i just stopped (let go of) all the thinking and planning ahead onstage and just stood still and listened to and looked into the eyes of michael, or mike, or jayne, or madge, or bob, or maggie, or alice, (though I could not see them) jeff or terry....  or listening and watching privately from the balcony to a scene i was not in -- pure joy.  time stopped.  there was a time for all things, and time FOR all things.  


i'll be thinking of all of you as i charge back into my work with children in the schools next week... for now it's five more days to wring the final moments of play and joy out of summer with the kids.  


Hem, boys!!!







On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Mike Godwin wrote:

Jayne, just saying in response to your message:


There were times when I sat still, just listening to people talk, just looking at the world you all helped create around us, when I said to myself, "this is a moment not like any other". And I tried to capture it in my head, because it was so beautiful.


I thank you all so much, for being with me, for being us.






On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Suhler, Jayne <> wrote:

I have fallen through the looking glass back into my real life. Emails, phone calls, meetings to prepare for, students to tend to, reports to write. My brain is ready to explode and I've only been back for two days.

Out there in the east Texas heat with all of you I felt more alive, more focused, more able to think deeply and widely. The words - ah, those wonderful words - came trippingly on the tongue with you. Here it is stressful. There it was intense. Here it is messy. There it was ordered. Here tiring. There exhiliarating. Don't get me wrong - I have a pretty darn good life. But the week with you makes me remember how much meaning and joy is derived from pure, uninhibited play. No computers, no phones, no job: just us and Doc and that barn and Shakespeare.

My iPhone is buzzing again and I feel you all slipping away. Let's promise ourselves that we won't let that happen, at least in our hearts and souls. Remember always that hot, spectacular week in 2010 that forever changed us in big ways and small.

You took my breath away and I love you for it,


From: [] On Behalf Of Pees, Robert []
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:39 AM

Cc: 'Bekah Meyer'

Subject: [Weeklong-l] "...let the world slip, we shall ne'er be younger."

This morning I returned to my job as a tinker of sorts.  I took the D Train, which, by the way, is not “fleeter than the roe.”  For me, last week was exhilarating—to have such wonderful people convince you that you are a lord indeed is true magic.  I am so grateful to all of you.  Right now I’m typing this in an office on the forty-first floor of a Manhattan skyscraper, but it is not nearly as high as the throne you created for me on a wooden platform in a converted hay barn in Fayette County Texas.

All my love,

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Weeklong-l mailing list


Weeklong-l mailing list


Clayton Stromberger 
Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale
College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin
cell:  512-228-1055, cell #2 (backup): 512-363-6864
UT Sh. at W. office:  512-471-4726