I love the idea of a whole play! Not so sure about two plays, but I'm game. Is it possible? Could we? I think it might actually be a more satisfying, cohesive, and manageable experience for us--and pleasurable for our audience! I like the Comedy of Errors suggestion; I also think Love's Labor's Lost would be a hoot with this crowd.


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Robert Jackson <rjax@netcom.com> wrote:
Whiners Rule!!
>From Whiney-World! - We are old and we are proud!
You young whippersnappers!! pppsssst!

But Mr. Pees just gave me an idea...combined with Ms. Suhler's mistake the
other day....nevermind... back to my cave....the 22nd you say?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Meyer" <Bruce.Meyer@UTSouthwestern.edu>
To: <weeklong-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] thoughts from an old brain

> OK, I withdraw the two play concept (no deaths allowed in this reunion).
>>>> "Pees, Robert" <rpees@AkinGump.com> 5/20/2010 10:18 AM >>>
> If one were to mash-up Shakespeare's shortest play--The Comedy of
> Errors--with his shortest tragedy (The Scottish Play), it just might
> work--twin Macbeths, one from Syracuse and one from Ephesus.  Kidding, of
> course. Actually, despite the enormous work, I'm ok with doing two full
> plays (famous last words along the lines of "where's the mama bear?" and
> "what's that button for?"), but I am also enthusiastic about multiple
> scenes from multiple plays, an approach which has all the virtues--and
> vices--of excellent dim sum (Chinese appetizers)--they taste great but
> it's easy to order too many dishes. My guess is that multiple scenes from
> a handful of plays might be the most practical way to proceed in the
> weeklong period, but I'm game for anything.
> Best,
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: weeklong-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org
> [mailto:weeklong-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Jackson
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:21 AM
> To: weeklong-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: [Weeklong-l] thoughts from an old brain
> I was looking forward to working on scenes from a number of plays, even it
> meant two scenes each from, say, ten plays (however, the time works out),
> i.e. Gail's idea of the storm and the reconciliation, and I, and I thought
> others, going back to the beginning of the discussion, were hoping to
> study a wide range of plays, juxtaposing Shakespeare's different
> approaches to two or three themes.  And making each scene as rich as
> possible; the iceberg where 7/8's of the mass is below.  That's a lot of
> work!!  But it's a lot of putting word to the action, action to the word,
> and much good thinking about both.
> On the other hand, doing two full plays in a week will mean we spend all
> our time running lines!  Is this Winedale?  Or an anxiety dream of
> regional theater?  Perhaps I'm too blunt, and possibly need to take a nap.
> I'm terrible at this email conference.  And keep swearing to keep my mouth
> shut.
> I'll say no more.  And be a hermit.  Mum.
> -Jackson
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bruce Meyer" <Bruce.Meyer@UTSouthwestern.edu>
> To: <weeklong-l@lists.wikimedia.org>; <kozusko@mac.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] thoughts from a brain that is spendingtoo
> muchtime in the
>> Actually, i AM serious about the two play suggestion - massive
>> undertaking, so just the kind of impossible task that we are best
>> suited for....
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Matt Kozusko <kozusko@mac.com>
>> To:  <weeklong-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
>> Sent: 5/20/2010 8:20:53 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] thoughts from a brain that is spending too
>> muchtime in the real world....
>> Dear All,
>> A grinning and excited second for Bruce's suggestion that we consider
>> longer chunks of fewer plays so that we can get some of the playlong
>> arcs into our storytelling.  And two full plays is a great idea, I
>> think, if you're serious.
>> Matt
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