Dearest Maggie,

Hi. Just to say I love your Brush Up Yer Shakespeare idea, and so glad we've got a few girl voices in the brainstorming! Got a paper turned in, will call you later today, this afternoon. 



From: Maggie Megaw <>
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 12:01:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] Plays we've mentioned so far (my quick list)

I’ve been mulling over Susan’s and Mike’s emails of earlier today, the idea of selecting scenes that speak to us of lessons we have taken from Winedale and Shakespeare, digging into texts that read differently, more personally, than in earlier readings.  On the list for me would be the scene from Lear (II, iv), where Regan and Goneril dismantle Lear, culminating in Lear’s “O reason not the need” speech, right before he heads out into the storm.  This scene resonates with the aging me, a hyperbolized (but in its essence often accurate) rendering of the dynamic when aging parents abdicate decision-making powers to their children.   Not a good idea.


However, this touches neither on reunion nor reconciliation, so maybe it’s not right for this occasion.  Though G&R are great villains... 





From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Godwin
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:59 PM
To: weeklong-l
Subject: [Weeklong-l] Plays we've mentioned so far (my quick list)


The following plays or other works have been mentioned as sources for Reunion scenes:

2 Gents (pirates)
Comedy of Errors (knocking at the gate, Dr. Pinch)
Taming (servants at Petruchio's return)
Much Ado (Dogberry and the great chase, Kill Claudio (done in 2005))
LLL (play with the play)
AYL (Ducdame)
MND (Blame Clayton! Bottom's Dream)
Cymbeline (Iachino in the trunk, funeral song)
Winter's Tale (Paulina shows Leontes his infant child, dance of the 12 satyrs, final scene)
Lear (Lear-Cordelia reconciliation)
Pericles (final scene)
"Brats of Clarence" by Paul Menzer
Hamlet (advice to the players, grave diggers)
Sonnet 30 (remembrance of things past)
Henry V (muse of fire)
3 Henry VI (Duke of York: "o tiger's heart….)
Othello (how 2 win Desdemona)
Sonnets 40, 116, 130, 138, 142 or others
Antony and Cleopatra -- news that Antony has married Octavia,  also: II.vii. song-and-dance
Measure for Measure -- Angelo wants only one thing: Isabella's virginity.
Macbeth: porter's scene, weird sisters.
Tempest: drunks. epilogue.
12th Night: drunks (done in 2005)
HVIII: Wolsey and Catherine. Epilogue.
"Everything and Nothing" -- Borges (Mike says Irby translation is better than Kerrigan!)
"Little Gidding" -- Eliot
Falstaff scenes (1 and 2 Henry IV, Merry Wives, "Chimes at Midnight")
"Kiss Me Kate" -- "Brush Up Your Shakespeare"
R&J (Nurse scenes)