Yeah, I was thinking its going to be quite a shock when she hears my adenoidal lisp. . .and what about Gail? - Betty Boop on amphetimines? - 
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] sound updates

This is lovely -- I shared it with a friend who's a pastor, thinking she might find it inspirational.

I am, however, dreading the day when Terry finds out I've been lying about my resonant baritone speaking voice.


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Donna Marie Nudd <> wrote:
Hey gang,

Thought I should send an update.  Once a week we go to Shands in
Gainesville. Terry's progress is incremental.   But here's yesterday's
and this morning's highlights.

Two new tests Terry had not done before were done yesterday
by the audiologist.  In the first, they'd give her a sentence printed
out (i.e. she could read it).  For one word in the sentence there
would be two possibilities that were close in sound, for example, take
or teak, saw or see.   Each word made sense in the context of the
sentence.   Audiologist covered her face and read the sentence. Terry
got 100% of them correct.

Second test was even more amazing. Audiologist covered her face and
said a common sentence.  (In this case, there was no print out, there
was no context.)  Sentences were simple, as in "What's your name?"
Want to go to lunch?"  Terry got 80% of these correct.

On the way back from Shands, I was on my cell phone talking to my mother.
Terry was driving and from the rhythm of what I said (and some sound
discrimination), she could also make out a number of my sentences.

Our homework this week from the audiologist  is that we need to read
aloud together.   (I like that kind of homework. )

This morning's minor miracles--

Terry opened the door to let the kitty cat out.  "It squeaks" she
squealed.   And then she opened the door and shut it multiple times.

And moments ago, she just heard the phone ring.

Amazing really, these small discoveries.  Each week's progress is kind
of like a one year old's-- the delight at discovering a new sound in
the world,  and then the instant boredom with that sound, hoping to
find some other sound that's new and equally exciting.


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