This news made my cry a little tonight. Thank you, Donna and Alice.



On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Alice Gordon <> wrote:

------ Forwarded Message
From: Donna Marie Nudd <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 18:44:26 -0400

Subject: Donna's take on a momentous day


So all in all a great day!

For an hour they were fine tuning the cochlear via Terry listening
only to sounds on the computer.   Unlike most people who get "turned
on", Terry loved  (not hated) the high pitched sounds (as if she'd
never heard them before, or hadn't heard them for 40 or more years,
she was quite excited.)

Then they turned the cochlear on in the room itself, and Terry freaked
out at the sound of the computer next to her, her own voice and  the
sounds of other voices.  Audiologist said "speech is complicated and
takes time."      Audiologist then took out kid's musical instruments,
and Terry was particularly thrilled at the sound of the xylophone and
adored the bell.

In the parking lot, she was sitting there at the van crying/sniffling
while we waited for our friend Diane to retrieve her camera bag.
Terry started laughing when she realized she could hear her own

This is a month long process.   We go to Shands tomorrow and they turn
it up a little.   And then we're back here every Tuesday this month.

We're at the hotel now (which is situated on a lake.)   Terry heard
her first bird.  And a moment ago  she marveled at the sound of my
typing at the computer.  And seconds ago, was thrown by the sound of
Diane turning on the faucet in the bathroom and the sound of the blow

Sure looks like it's going to be a fun month.   Off to dinner soon.



------ End of Forwarded Message

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