As I mentioned, I already have my reservations for myself as well as my guests so you can mark me off your list.  (just that list please).
SnugRed rose emoticon
----- Original Message -----
From: James Ayres
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 7:13 PM

I have no idea of what's going on with this.  I cannot reach Liz 
Fisher or James.  When I talked to Liz yesterday, she had only 52 
reservations in hand.  Will be back to everyone when I have something 

Oops, James just called me: says they stopped reservations to keep the 
public from making reservations, in order to assure former students 
reservations.  I will be meeting with James and Liz tomorrow morning 
to iron all of this out.  James asks everyone to be patient for a 
couple of days.  He said if I have your name on my list, they will 
assure you of reservations.  How I do not know as yet. I'll keep you 



On Jul 23, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Suhler, Jayne wrote:

> least that's the message I'm getting on the site. It may just 
> be me, but when I went to the site I had no problem adding the $25 
> single tik for Twelfth Night on Aug. 7 to my cart. But when I went 
> to add tiks for my family for the reunion performance it indicated 
> that it was sold out (i.e. you could only enter "0" tickets for that 
> performance). I tried calling the number on the site, but no answer.
> I'm including SAW's Liz Fisher on this email. Liz, see Bob's email 
> below. We're all trying to buy tiks for the final performance of 
> Twelfth Night and the reunion performance.
> Is anyone else having trouble? Doc, Liz, should we be paying some 
> other way? I'm assuming that maybe it is showing "sold out" because 
> Doc has alerted the SAW folks of our guest count.
> Can someone please advise? Purchasing online is easiest, but I could 
> also send a check.
> Jayne
> ________________________________________
> From: [
> ] On Behalf Of Pees, Robert []
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 9:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] (no subject)
> Susan, here is what I think is the current state of affairs
> COSTUMES:  Yesterday, Mary invited feedback/input from the whole 
> group, and the email conversation continues.  My guess is that a 
> consensus is emerging on various approaches, but I'll leave it to 
> the Committee or some Oracle to summarize.
> MONIES:  For the Twelfth Night performance on August 7, we should 
> all log onto the Winedale website and pay for our individual 
> ticket.  (I think it's $25 dollars).  This will save Doc the hassle 
> of collecting and also make the Winedale staff happy.  And for our 
> guests attending the Reunion Performance on August 14, they should 
> also be paying on-line even if we have already informed Doc that 
> they'll be attending.  For catering costs for the Aug. 14 brunch and 
> banquet, Doc will be sending everyone a payment request next week; 
> he does not know the total now.  Additional monies may also be due 
> to pay for the videographer, but I don't recall whether we have any 
> further details on that item.
> Bob
> ________________________________
> From: [
> ] On Behalf Of susan todd
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 3:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] (no subject)
> Hi all,
> I've been doing my gig at the Huntington Library Shakespeare program 
> for the past two weeks with very sketchy online access. (I'm a 
> spoiled Austinite; wireless is easy and everywhere in Austin.)
> I'm therefore a little lost in the mass of weeklongian emails--what 
> to do and bring and wear and reserve--what monies need to be sent 
> and where, etc?
> Could some good someone write a clarifying-and-tidy list of what has 
> been concluded in those regards?
> xo,
> Susan
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