Pretty nice.
maggie megaw | business
affairs, inc | 2415 main street santa monica ca 90405 | ph
310 954 8440 | fx 310 362 8707
[] On Behalf Of James Ayres
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 6:00 PM
Subject: [Weeklong-l] Fwd: Virginia's Roses
Thought I'd pass this on to all of you.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "White,
Barbara B" <>
Date: March
16, 2011 5:52:19 AM PDT
To: James
Ayres <>
Subject: RE: Virginia's Roses
Thank you for planning this wonderful tribute to Virginia. She cared about
Winedale very much and it must have been heartbreaking to see the bushes go
away one-by-one. We are very excited to see the wonderful new plants that give
Winedale a new beautiful beginning to springtime. The watering system you so
thoughtfully added will help assure their survival through our hot summers. You
are a great friend to so many and I know Virginia passed on peacefully knowing
that her original gift will be perpetuated because of people like you who care
so much!
I will make sure to mention the sponsorships. I know others would love to
contribute. There is so much history about Winedale that I still need to learn.
You have all that stored in your head from having lived it. I would still love
to write your history and your experiences at Winedale with Miss Ima. I think
it is an important part of the equation. Thanks so much for caring so much.
From: James Ayres []
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:32 PM
To: White, Barbara B
Subject: Virginia's Roses
It was great fun doing the roses this morning. Thanks for your
assistance with the preparation and thanks too to Elroy. Everyone was
enthusiastic and very happy in planting this tribute to Virginia.
Please ask Elroy to turn on the watering system every morning for the
next three days for about 5 hours a day. After that, every other day,
depending on the weather. I will be dropping by to do some of that
myself, checking on how the roses are doing.
We have created a "Rose for Virginia" sponsorship to defray all of
costs for the antique roses, the compost, the rose food, the watering
system we have put in place. The sponsorships are $30.00. We
14 roses. As of this evening, I have received commitments for 8
sponsorships. Two of them from Leon Hale and Babette.
So if anyone wishes to join this effort, please have them send a check
made out to me for $30.00 to P.O. Box 202, Round Top, Tx, 78954.
Again, thanks for your help with this.