Since I've in the San Francisco Bay Area for the last five years, you may be sure I'm looking forward to the lower costs of living in the DC area!


On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Bruce Meyer <> wrote:

Nice to hear – congratulations! (other than the outrageous costs, DC is an amazing place to live)


From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Godwin
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 2:23 PM
To: weeklong-l
Cc: Gail McDonald
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] in touch and annual newsletter


I should pipe up and add some new news as well, which appropriately comes at the end of the year. I've been hired to be Senior Legal Adviser at, and I'll be moving from California to DC for that job sometime in the coming weeks. (I start Jan. 2.)


After two years' unemployment, it's nice to be needed again.







On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Bruce Meyer <> wrote:

Well folks, it has been far too long since we got a chance to play. I miss you all and in the spirit of connectedness (is that a word?), I am sending along our annual family newsletter and photo.

For those who have not seen it before, it is (perhaps not surprisingly), wordy (as I was once told, I can be inebriated by the exuberance of my own verbosity)

Hope the New Year is wondrous for you all.





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