Yes! And don't we all wish DOC would play SLY?

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 11:41 AM, kathryn blackbird <> wrote:
I've been thinking again (dangerous I know) but since we are doing the
Induction scene 2, I would like to suggest that we include at the end of all
of our scenes, the final Sly and Tavern Keeper 'Epilogue' scene from Taming
of A Shrew, which would neatly tie the whole performance together and would
add closure, I think, to our selection of scenes(and it is short).....Sly
returned to the curb in his own clothes....babbling about the best dream he
ever had in all his life..(I've added the text, or a version of it, below)

I suppose we would need to include bits of Induction scene 1 so it all makes
sense.....perhaps these might be enough: Lines: 1-13; 29-41; and 70-71.



Then enter two bearing of Sly in his own apparel again, and
leave him where they found him, and then go out.
Then enter the Tapster.

Tapster.        Now that the darksome night is overpassed,
       And dawning day appears in crystal sky,
       Now must I haste abroad. But soft, who's this?
       What, Sly? Oh wondrous, hath he lain here all night?    (4)

       I'll wake him; I think he's starved by this,
       But that his belly was so stuffed with ale.
       What, how now, Sly, Awake for shame!

Sly.            Gi's some more wine! What's all the players gone?
       Am not I a lord?

Tapster.        A lord, with a murrain! Come, art thou drunken

Sly.            Who's this? Tapster? Oh, lord, sirrah, I have had  (12)
       The bravest dream to-night, that ever thou
       Heardest in all thy life!

Tapster.        Ay, marry, but you had best get you home,
       For your wife will course you for dreaming here to-night.   (16)

Sly.            Will she? I know now how to tame a shrew!
       I dreamt upon it all this night till now,
       And thou hast waked me out of the best dream
       That ever I had In my life.     (20)
       But I'll to my wife presently
       And tame her too, and if she anger me.

Tapster.        Nay, tarry, Sly, for I'll go home with thee,
       And hear the rest that thou hast dreamt to-night.   (24)

[Exeunt Omnes.]

What do y'all think??

Besides, I would love to play the Mistress of the Tavern so I can beat Sly
with my broom...

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