How awesome!  I am not the least bit surprised.  Mazel tov!!
As for myself, I am still in labor.... 
Give everyone my best regards!

> Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 20:22:32 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] **IMPORTANT: Call to Reunion Action!**
> Here are my picks - I am very much the least qualified person to do
> this, as I am not intimate with the plays in a way that is helpful - my
> excuse is simple but profound: in the past 12 days we have had one
> college graduation, one high school graduation, two family birthdays and
> adopted a baby. Another 24 hours is not going to make a difference for
> me - I will be thrilled with whatever is collectively decided.
> Bruce
> * Henry V, Prologue
> * 1 Henry IV (V, iv)
> * Henry V (V, ii)
> * LOVE’S LABORS LOST - (V, ii) The Pageant of the Nine
> Worthies
> * Comedy (III,I)
> * Much Ado - the Dogberry chase scene
> * Winter's Tale (III, ii)
> * Winter's Tale (V, iii)
> * 2 Henry IV, (III, ii) -- Shallow/Silence
> * Tempest epilog
> * MND (V, i) --Bottom's Dream
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Alice
> Gordon
> Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Weeklong-l] **IMPORTANT: Call to Reunion Action!**
> Dear Fellow Winedale Weeklongians,
> On behalf of Doc and the Committee of Cheerleaders, I hereby emit a
> big
> Go, Team, Go!
> We would like to get the whole scenes-choosing and role-casting
> process
> done and roles disseminated by June 6, when the first session of Camp
> Shakespeare begins and Doc will be all-consumed by it. To meet that
> deadline, we must strictly adhere to the ones leading up to it.
> Attached is the revised master list of scenes I sent you a few days
> ago.
> A a few people weighed in with a more ideas. Also, Robert Jackson,
> please forgive me for not including your list of scenes the first time
> around. It and newer material is now included and marked in bold-face
> type.
> Here is the process just ahead:
> By Midnight, MAY 31: Send your top ten scenes to
> (I will immediately forward all lists to
> Doc
> and the Committee. Just trying to give everyone only one email address
> to type in.) Considering the themes we've all been talking about,
> please
> send us your top ten scenes from the complete list. Feel free either
> to
> cherry-pick from the list; to vote for one of the concepts sketched
> out
> or fully fledged by Gail, Robert P, Robert J, or Matt; or to choose
> both
> concept and scenes to make your own list. (If I have overlooked other
> concepts since the whole group has been talking, please remind us all
> as
> soon as you can). Kathy and Jayne's and Clayton's proposals seem ways
> and examples of how to approach any group of scenes once we're at
> Winedale, and feel free to state your support or comments about such
> approaches as well. Our sense is that a lot of us are excited about
> what
> they are suggesting.
> Please keep in mind the time limit we've set forth and the number
> of
> participants in each scene. Doc urges us to favor ensemble scenes (six
> or more characters) in the balance, and also to balance longer and
> shorter scenes. Remember there will be weekenders and audience pop-ups
> with whom we will share the matinee.
> By June 2: Doc and Committee come up with final list of scenes. The
> committee and Doc will look at the preferences mathematically, see
> what
> rises to the top, and then work out the final choices by considering
> ensemble or what works better or what's more appropriate for the
> context. Once we have the final list, it will be sent out to
> everybody.
> Please keep an eye on your email inbox that day.
> By June 3: Your requests or preferences, if any. When you get that
> list,
> please let us know if you have very special preferences for roles you
> would like to play or scenes you would like to take part in. Once we
> get
> that information, we'll have at the casting.
> June 5: Deadline for roles to be cast.
> June 6: List of roles sent to whole group.
> Courage! This will mean a fast week-plus coming up.
> Make your best haste,
> All best wishes,
> Alice
> _______________________________________________
> Weeklong-l mailing list