Oh, I'm so glad Kathy brought this up! Even before passing the half-century mark (several years ago), I was always "slow of study" in the line-learning department. I second Kathy's plea!


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:07 PM, kathryn blackbird <kathrynblackbird@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
OK, I'm gonna just put this out there......

Some might say that I would be considered one of the pups of this ancianos
group, getting my reading glasses only two years ago, but I have
concerns--even at the small amount that I have aged--about my dwindling
brain cells and a memory that is not as it once was.  Let me be plain.....I
would like more time to learn lines than a mere 4 weeks. (July 9 to Aug 8)
Perhaps I can issue a challenge to us old fogeys to compile and get our
character or scene requests to the committee no later than Saturday June 26
at 6pm.  (Yes that is two days from now) I realize that Doc is back at Camp
Shakespeare on Sunday the 27th and was somehow hoping that if everyone
hopped to it like when we submitted our initial lists of scenes, that the
committee and Doc might be able to assign roles before Doc gets to tied up
in CS2.

I really don't want to put any more stress or work onto the committee and
Doc but merely want to suggest that two additional weeks might make a world
of difference...

very humbly yours,

Weeklong-l mailing list

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)