Guten Abend zusammen,

gute Nachrichten zum Wochenstart: WMAT wird den Wikimedia Hackathon im kommenden Jahr ausrichten!

Wir freuen uns darauf, die internationale Tech-Community im kommenden Mai in Wien willkommen zu heißen und über die Gelegenheit uns mit gleichgesinnten Communities in der Region zu vernetzen. Gebt uns Bescheid wenn ihr Interesse habt das Event in den kommenden 14 Monaten inhaltlich und/oder organisatorisch mitzugestalten.

Viele Grüße
Claudia Garád

Wikimedia Österreich - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Siebensterngasse 25/15
A-1070 Wien

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Chapters] 2017 Wikimedia Hackathon: Vienna, Austria!
Datum: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 12:45:27 -0700
Von: Rachel Farrand <>
Antwort an: Wikimedia Chapters general discussions - closed list <>
An:, Wikimedia developers <>


The 2017 Wikimedia Hackathon Committee and the WMF Developer Relations team are very pleased to announce that Vienna, Austria has been chosen for the location of the 2017 Wikimedia Hackathon. The unconfirmed but likely dates for the hackathon are 19-21 May, 2017.

WMAT and the WMF Developer Relations team will be partnering to organize and run the hackathon. 

For now, you can find more details here:

Eventually we will update the mediawiki page with more event information:

To follow planning progress you can follow the following two projects on Phabricator after they are created Wikimedia-Hackathon-2017 and Wikimedia-Hackathon-2017-Organization 

For information on the decision process that was followed please check here:

If you have any questions about or suggestions for changes in the decision process please either email me or comment here

Hope to see many of you in Jerusalem and again in Vienna! 

Rachel Farrand
Engineering Events 
Developer Relations (team)
Technical Collaboration (group) 
Community Engagement (department) 
Wikimedia Foundation 

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Rachel Farrand <> wrote:


Is your organization interested in hosting and co-organizing the 2017 Wikimedia Hackathon? We are looking for proposals!

There is a whole lot of new information available about hackathons, if you see anything missing or that needs to be clarified let me know.

Specific to the 2017 Hackathon:

All Hackathons:

This year’s Wikimedia Hackathon 2016 will be held in Jerusalem in April. Ideally we will announce the host for 2017 before March 14th, 2016. If multiple chapters or organizations are interested, we hope to work together to figure out the the best solution.

Any organizations interested in hosting should please create a Phabricator ticket and associate it with the Developer-Relations project.


Please include as much information as possible from: proposing a hackathon

Please email me at with any questions or concerns. I am not on the chapters@ list, so if there are any responses there please remember to keep me on CC.

Looking forward to hearing from you!