Hi Garfield,

Thanks for this initiative.

I would like to suggest that Benjamin document these recommendations as a learning pattern for larger organizations. Smaller orgs could have a separate learning pattern designed for them.

At Cascadia Wikimedians, we've taken a number of steps to ensure the integrity of our finances. For example, we avoid the use of physical cash whenever possible because electronic transactions are easier to track and audit. Additionally, all Board members have read-only access to all of our financial records in our online accounting tool (Xero), and only two people are allowed to disburse funds (our treasurer Brian, and me as Executive Director). I feel that the transparency of our transactions with all board members is a good way to deter problems and catch any that may arise, and limiting disbursements to two people limits the possibilities for accidental or intentional losses.

Thanks again for this initiative. I have a related question that I would like to discuss with you via phone at your convenience; please let me know off-list of days and times that are good for you.



On Aug 14, 2015 9:57 AM, "Garfield Byrd" <gbyrd@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Benjamin Sher, a intern working for the Wikimedia Foundation, has created this meta page on how to avoid embezzlement.

At this point in the process, I would like feedback, edits, and comments to see if this information is helpful.

This is not a significant issue for the community, based on the information we currently have, but I want to encourage us to address issues, as needed, before they may become a problem.

I look forward to your feedback.



Garfield Byrd
Chief of Finance and Administration
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext 6787
415.882.0495 (fax)

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