2012/2/5 Delphine Ménard <delphine.menard@wikimedia.de>
Le 05/02/2012 11:14, Theo10011 a écrit :

Delphine's suggestion about a salary grid is great, but I believe that
if once set, this grid would be something more chapters would be
expected to abide by, or come close to. This might be a good or a bad
thing depending on how you look at it.

I'm sorry, I just can't subscribe to the idea that people in Berlin expect to be paid on a par level with people in San Francisco (or Paris for that matter) or people in Kenya expect to get the same salary as those in the UK, even for the same position. People are not that stupid, and they do know that differences exist from country to country. I don't see a grid (or full disclosure for that matter) as a problem from chapter to chapter, as long as it makes sense within a local job market. I see absolutely no "competition" in having salaries public or half public here, I find you're making up a problem that just does not exist.

Is it really so inconceivable to think, there might be comparisons between a job in Berlin for WMDE and one in London for WMUK, for the same position? They are both affluent european chapters, with relatively comparable revenues, located in countries with comparable averages for salaries. While people might not be that stupid to see difference from country to country, average european salaries for a sector or position, do tend to be within a range. I never referred to "competition", just that the grid once set and used, might become more prevalent. It might be completely innocuous, I don't think I called it a problem either.
