Hi folks,

I'm now reasonably comfortable with Xero for the purposes of affiliate internal accounting. I'm wondering, would anyone be interested in a tutorial about accounting basics in Xero at WikiConference USA 2016? If there's enough interest, I'm happy to lead a tutorial. We plan to have a lot of video recording equipment at the conference, so it's possible that we can facilitate live remote participation and/or recording for later viewing. I'm trying to get a feeling for whether this would be of interest to other Wikimedia affiliates, including those who would like to understand finance reports prepared by others. I'm not a CPA, but I know enough to feel comfortable with
accounting for movement funds in Xero. (: Let me know if this would be of interest to you.

Legal disclaimer: the focus will be how to use the software, not what the laws are in your particular jurisdiction.

Possible topics:

Chart of accounts
Bank feeds
Expense claims
Accounts receivable
Petty cash
Sales tax
Use tax

Let me know (:

