I read the w3.org "no Click Here" tip, and I think I disagree with it. The tip (which has a disclaimer about being non-binding and unofficial) gives four examples. It contrasts common, familiar forms like "click here to download" with their ideal:Tell me more about Amaya: W3C's free editor/browser that lets you create HTML, SVG, and MathML documents.
As a person who has no idea what Amaya is, I actually find this "ideal" example to be the least helpful of all of them. There are four links there, and I've no idea which one I should click on, what will happen if I do, or if any of them will have the information I want. With "Click here to download", I've got a pretty clear idea what's going to happen: something will start downloading as soon as I click it. With this "ideal", I've no idea what's going to happen with anything that I click on.Also, the tip has diverged significantly from the original, and I think it has diverged for the worse.