An example is the French translation that I had completed 100% just a few minutes after receiving the notice for translation. Then it has been sent but one translation has been forgotten in the published page and in the notification sent to other user's pages or community pages, or emails.
Now this missing translation displays a "clock" sumbol showing that it is desynchronized.
I don't know why it was forgotten, but it is clear that translations have been taken MUCH too soon, not waiting any reasonnable time, while we were still working to translate them just in the few hours after we received the mail informing us that a new translation should be performed.
In addition, once the notifications have been sent to user by the notifier bot, they are no longer updated on the Meta page. May be that's because I had translated all these very soon, but the translations were missing someone for reviewing and confirming it (the review was forgotten). For this reason, that string now shows only the English version when all the rest is translated.
There's something wrong in the agenda about these weeky notifications for software updates. In my opinion the transalted notifications should be given at least one more week before being sent to subscribers. And the landing page should still be updated (at least for having a more complete translation of the history that we navigate with links on top of pages.)