Hi,>> You will receive a new notification type when a Flow board you follow description has been changed.I'm not sure where the word 'description' belongs in this sentence. Is it really on its place?--Vira Motorkoproject manager, Wikimedia UkraineAre you saving your documents in free formats? ;)
Help save natural resources – please think twice before printing this e-mail or any attachments.2016-02-25 18:11 GMT+02:00 Benoît Evellin (Trizek) <bevellin@wikimedia.org>:_______________________________________________The latest tech newsletter is ready for early translation:Direct translation link:I'm replacing Johan this week. As usual, the plan is to send the newsletter on Monday afternoon (UTC), i.e. Monday morning PDT. The existing translations will be posted on the wikis in that language.There may be a few more edits by Friday (one item -not included on that draft- is pending), but the existing content should generally remain fairly stable. As usual, I will let you know on Friday in any case.Let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. As always, we appreciate a lot your help and feedback.And let's have 20 translations with this issue! :)--Benoît Evellin (Trizek)Community LiaisonWikimedia Foundation
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