I think that Chinese are Russian may be targetted for ANY translation as they are major languages of the world. We could have well targetted Japanese (due to the active presence of many Japanese-speaking contributors in Wikimedia), jiust like we have French, Spanish, German or (Brasilian) Portuguese.Ideally we should also target Hindi (now the only national official language of India, English having second rank in this most-populated country of the world that also has dozens of regional languages, official in some of its states) and Arabic.This is not specific to NASA subjects, and we could as well have spoken abut some news event about the Russian, European or Chinese space agencies.Anyway Russia, Europe and China have also important space programs and cooperate with NASA in various projects. They are not really competing in many of them, when cooperation is the only way to advance. So there are also US astronauts and searchers involved in Russian and European programs, and Russians cosmonauts and serchers in US and European programs.May be only China is apparently wanting to make its own program (with little collaboration with US, Europe or Russia).But are space programs in genenal really a major topic for Wikimedia? My opinion is that it is still a secondary topic compared to major ones about the Earth itself (geography, seas/oceans, geology, nature and life species in general) and its population and their languages and cultures... and compared to the Wikimedia focus of helping giving access by them to (at least basic) education (improving the litetracy levels, education about health, environement, economy, professional skills), and to news to better understand the world where they live and help organize their own life, along with others in a sustainable society where they will cooperate easily and safely.2016-05-16 15:33 GMT+02:00 Pols12 <poltron54@gmail.com>:Hello,
Out of curiosity, why have Chinese and Russian been targeted ?In a NASA case we think to Cold War (Second World). =)Best,Pols122016-05-09 20:48 GMT+02:00 Andrew Sherman <asherman@wikimedia.org>:Hello,MediaWiki software is being used by NASA to help gather and access information more efficiently.This story is available on the Wikimedia blog and Meta-Wiki for translation. We would like the story translated into Chinese and Russian, however all other language translations are encouraged and appreciated.Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider this message and or help translate this story.Best,--Andrew ShermanDigital Communications Intern | Wikimedia Foundation
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