Please translate:  It's just 65 words, in short, simple sentences. I'll post this in a little more than a week.  The wikitext parsing change will happen on July 5th, and I want this message to arrive about a week before then.

These languages are needed:

af an ar as ast 
av az azb ba be 
bg bn bpy ce ckb 
cy da diq el en 
eo es eu fa fr 
fy gd gu hak he 
hi hr hu hy id 
ja ka kk kn koi 
kv lrc lt lv mg 
mk ml mn mr ms 
myv nah nn oc pam 
pl pnb pt ro roa_rup 
ru sa sd sh sl 
sr su sw ta te 
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uk ur uz vi wa 
xmf yi yo zh 
zh_min_nan zh_yue

If your language is not on this list, then a translation is still welcome, but a message isn't being delivered to a wiki in your language.

If you have questions, please contact me.  Thank you!

Sherry Snyder (WhatamIdoing)
Community Liaison, Wikimedia Foundation