I envisage a simple facebook or flicker like plugin for people to upload, it should be friendly and simple.
We want to create a photo contest for wikimedia commons and would like lots of people to submit photos, it has to be easy for them to do. maybe a tool to pull photos from facebook or other sources, instead of uploading, it would download.
Commonist is available for uploading photos to Commons, but, it usually fails a lot if you don't have the correct Java Virtual Machine.2010/11/4 Platonides <platonides@gmail.com>
Mike Dupont wrote:> archive.org <http://archive.org>
> Let me know if you get this script running
> I would also like to make a tool that will upload to commons and to
> I had a idea to make a drupal site that would let users post> <http://archive.org>,
> http://freesb.eu/drupal/drupal-7.0-alpha6/?q=node/2
> would like to go from there to mediawiki and archive.org
> could host this on toolserver.I don't think you would be allowed to install drupal in the toolserver.
> what do you think guys? a cms that manages the uploads for users?
> mike
However you do it, the upload to mediawiki and archive.org process
should be two programs spawn for that, so that in case it fails/timeouts
they can easily be restarted.
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