Yes please expand my account "cool_cat". I do not know if you can rename it to "white_cat" in the process. I would be pleased if you do.
- White Cat
Hello all,
now is the moment you all have wait so long: it's account expanding-time
again. Please send your login-name to
within the next 3 weeks. Please write "expand" within the subject, so I can
filter these eMails more easily. DON'T send the eMail to the mailinglist -
all you will get is bad jokes by other readers, but no expanding (I know that
a few will do it nevertheless ;)).
I will send list-of-not-expanded-yet-account-emails every few days so you can
check if yor eMail was received.
So let the email-flood beginn :).
Toolserver-l mailing list