Many thanks fpor you great work .... you informed me about the logs via irc.
I told you that i will fix it as soon as possible ....
But you used your root-power and change something.
Since then my tool is broken ... there is no diff about what you change ...
If you would stand next to me ....
As fare as i know you are no php expert and prefere to write in java.
So when a user say he will care about and fix it as fast as possible
dont break foreign code ...
We are a small group of user here on the server ... so we should behave
in another way to each other.
I will put-back the code from last night backup back in place so the tool is still
working .. and then try to fix all php things ....
For all the readers .. i am not angry about dab any more ... but perhaps we find
other solution for the next time ....
Greeting and thanks for the great job we all do !!!
2006/6/2, DaB <>:
Hello all,
after we habe tonight a problem with a too big apache error.log-file, I
have take a look today on the file.
The most erros came from non-declarited variables and not-setting of a
timezone. I have fix this in these cases, where I can find the error
(marked with a commantar whitch ends with "(DaB.)").
I'm sorry, if a take a mistake, so please check your files. Pleae check
the logs too, if there are further errors in your scripts.
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