The problem starts at the servers abilities to categorize each discrepancy. If it cant it dumps without hesitating. Overloading the server is one thing it wont  do to itself on both negative and positive sides. When server programs start having issues their discrepancies affect the servers log which affects the servers progress in its own job.  If u have one server give it 2 input and output nodes ONLY otherwise  all ur programs will back the server db up.

On May 23, 2013 5:40 PM, "Platonides" <> wrote:
Today^W Yesterday, I was asked about some file numbers, which involved
subcategory traversing, which is an "inefficient" problem. It seemed a
good problem for comparing toolserver and labs. And toolserver db sucks:

willow: 31m5.157s (user 0m4.038s)
labs: 0m4.271s (user 2.488)

Toolserver was *436 times slower*.

Surely, the labs server is better (in hardware) than the one in TS. I
don't know how many scripts were hitting the TS db, while the labs one
would be almost-idle. Still, it seems a really big gap. Do we have
something wrongly configured? Did mariadb somehow massively improve vs
mysql? Are some parameters too small? Is it just a problem that the
mysql servers are underprovisioned of ram?

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