ManishEarthTalk • Stalk

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Manish Goregaokar <manishsmail@gmail.com> wrote:

An important key in every allwiki-iteration is imho the re-use of
Yeah, I already do that. I've ORDER BY server'd , and I only close and reopen when the server changes. It's quite fast.

What's the quick way to get user/page contribution data? I tried using the page table through putty, but it hanged. The revision table works, but I can't get the page title from it. For some reason, the column rev_page is populated with zeroes. I am able to get the username, revid, timestamp, and summary, but I can't fetch the page name/pageid. ANy help?

ManishEarthTalk • Stalk