2011/1/14 Dr. Trigon <dr.trigon@surfeu.ch>
It should be (rather) simple once you got how 'crontab'/'cronjob's work.

This is my trouble. I read and read again Batch job  page, but I couldn't find the right syntax for the simpler case: simply, how to run a single script using batch job! Examples deal mainly with cron jobs: but how can I run a single script like, even in into an interactive way to test it, ie:

python example.py

Next question. I'd like to run again my irc.py python script, designed to run into a screen forever. I can't understand why I'd wrap it into a crontable: it has simply to run once. When it was running, I run it into a screen simply with:

python irc.py

It simply listens at it.source #irc Recent changes channel, and writes selected & parsed data into a public txt file (so I can see from web if it's live or dead without logging into the server, and there's too a queue ready for another cron script, who uses that txt file)

How should I run it into a screen, with new settings? Remember... I'd like an idiot-proof suggestion. :-(
