I've had this error before and is most likely because your asking it to print to the console some non-english/european letter which is not in the ASCII database. My simple solution was to tell the program if it received a UnicodeEncodeError to just print that it can't display said line. (or you could just remove the print statement).
English Wikipedia Administrator

On 03/04/2012 18:52, Alchimista wrote:

I'm having an UnicodeEncodeError, something like: "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 28-29: ordinal not in range(128)" on print or wikipedia.output() statments when running scripts submitted on submit@ with qcronsub. Some time ago I've asked for help on irc, and was told that was an undocumented error, and pointed a solution, because has far as i remember, my LC_ALL wasn't defined. I now have set upt qcronsub to run the following sh script:

#! /bin/sh

LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" /usr/bin/python /home/alchimista/aleph/avbot.py -botnick:'Aleph Bot'  -ownernick:Alchimista -newbie:100 > /dev/null

It worked for some weeks, but now is back again. How can i fix it?

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