2010/12/10 MZMcBride <z@mzmcbride.com>

Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?[1] So much
easier than trying to write your own script in Python using sockets and
manual pongs and all that jazz.

Once more, it's amazing to see how different meanings can have the word "easier". :-)
Recently I tried to follow the suggestion of an expert, encouraging me to use NetBeans for jthon... "easier" than my old beloved Idle interface for basic python .... I hardly survived. :-P

You are so largely overestimating my abstract knowledge of such stuff... :-( 
Nevertheless, my rough, basic, DIY routines run, and they do "magic" jobs! :-)
So I presume easier, for me, to go on step by step with rough, brief, banal scripts... 
