A quick reminder that this year's Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) is taking place in London on 24th April 2010 - in 10 days time! There are still tickets left - and you can register at the following link:
Speakers and sessions include:
* 'State of the Nation' Keynotes: - Matthias Schindler, Wikimedia (Germany) on 'Bibliographic Data and the Public Domain' - Glyn Moody, on the 'Post-Analogue World' - Peter Murray-Rust, on 'Recent Developments in Open Science' - Chris Taggart, on 'Open Local Government Data' - Sören Auer, on 'Linked Open Data' - Jordan Hatcher, on 'Open Licensing for Data' * Ideas and Culture with talks on analyzing 'Dickens Letters' and 'Making the Physical from the Digital' * Open Bibliographic Information with talks on 'The Itinerant Poetry Library' and the 'Journal Commons' * Community Driven Research with talks on 'Climate data' and 'Open Archaeology' * Civic Information with talks on 'Using Open Government Data to Profile Politicians' and the 'Straight Choice' * Open Government Data and PSI in the EU which looks at the current state of play in France, Norway, Germany, the UK and elsewhere * Tools with talks on 'Large-scale data handling and revisioning' with the Genome, Ontowiki, CKAN and more * Open Data and the Semantic Web with talks about South Korean DBPedia and Thesaurus Management Tool ‘Pool Party’ * Open Data in International Development including talks from PublishWhatYouFund and on OpenStreetMap in Haiti
Further details are available at:
http://blog.okfn.org/2010/04/14/okcon-2010-nearly-here-24th-april-2010-in-lo... http://www.okfn.org/okcon/programme
More information:
* Main conference page: http://www.okfn.org/okcon/ * FAQ: http://www.okfn.org/okcon/faq
If you have any questions please email Sara Wingate-Gray at sara.gray@okfn.org.
We look forward to seeing people there!
All the best,