Toby Bartels <> wrote:

I agree completely. For a textbook on corn farming.
Which is not the same thing as a textbook on biology!
So I don't see any conflict between your opinion and mine.

There are no conflicts between your opinion and mine :-)

>Both are ok, but I am here for the second point. Not the first.

So you would rather work on a textbook on corn farming
than work on a textbook on biology. That's fine with me!

Quite true Toby.

Except that if the official rule for textbooks defines that these textbooks must be "DPOV" (as a basic rule at the same level than NPOV on Wikipedia, meaning "mandatory"), then there is no room in this project for this book. This virtual book would have to go in another project.

If this rule is not mandatory, or if this rule does not exist at all, then the book can exist there.

See ?
We know the goal, we know the means, let's avoid restrictives rules :-)


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