There was a discussion about using the categry system last autumn, which would at least give us a way of keeping track of what we have:
This might be even further improved soon, since I know some folks are working on a category watchlist (which would, if I understand correctly, also keep track of when a page is *removed* from a category, as well as changes made to pages in the category).
--- Cary Bass wrote:
I remember a discussion recently regarding the difficulty in cataloging Wikibooks. That the Dewey Decimal System is copyrighted and we cannot therefore use it.
I'd like to make an attempt at bringing in volunteers with a skill in organizing and cataloging to contribute to the discussions and help put some organization into Wikibooks, more people with a focus on the community rather than individual projects.
I've been looking for a way to get people encouraged to help out Wikibooks and this seems like a pretty good in. What I'd need from you is a page to orient people into this process, as well as Wikibooks as a whole.
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