Do we have to put a banner or notice about this problem in our Tamil wikisource? so people would be aware of the problem and dont get frustrated. The problem is going on for more than 10 days and it looks like it would take more time..

J. Balaji.

On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 1:27 PM, balaji <> wrote:
It seems the owner of the tool is already aware of this problem and a bug has been filed at

It looks like we can download in epub format but not in other formats.

J. Balaji.

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Shrinivasan T <> wrote:
> I think it is the problem with ws export tool. Last one month the tool is
> problematic. It is not giving the stat also properly.

Thanks for the update.
Report to the tool owner.

He may not know about the issue.


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