Hey strategy people, 

I'm preparing for my trip to Berlin as well, but one editor has brought up the issue of "ban all ips" on ptwiki's strategy discussion. I have already pointed out that this may go against much of the ideas of the movement and that he should have a solid ground on arguments and facts to make this kind of proposal. However, he has turned it around and simply stated that ips contributions are mostly harmful and went ahead to question quality of content and if readers actually learn something after reading a Wikipedia article.
Aside the problem on how to deal with contributions to the strategy process such as these, I think listing the research in this area (possibly translating the most important few) would be a good way to foster better contributions to the discussion.

So, here is my questions, do you know of research into these questions that are not in the strategy portal? Specifically into the IP vs logged in users contributions profile, I believe I've seen a few researches that brushed into this area but can't quite remember where to find them. 

Thanks for the help,
Chico Venancio