I would love to see us doing that -- I think it speaks to some of the issues we've talked about internally around originality and the opportunity to create a more consistent "voice" for the account!
That said, I think we may want to put this on the shelf of "things we should definitely be doing, but holding off until next quarter" -- given how short staffed we are on the comms team, it'd be hard to assign that responsibility to any one person at the moment.
As we all know, social media, done effectively, is a lot of work (I know I sent this around internally as a bit of a joke before, but it's worth a read:
http://www.businessinsider.com/huge-social-media-manager-does-all-day-2014-5). I think as a whole, we're doing a good job now -- there's a lot of space to make it even better -- but even rewriting tweets like these probably takes someone 20 minutes to do it well (read the article, find the nugget of interest/pull quote, craft the tweet). I suggest we put this -- and the public domain images issue -- on the list for great things to do in Q3. What do you all think?