Thank you all!
Did you put the message in social media yet?
Please, tell me which one you chose and when is it published.
Best,19 черв. 2015 22:35, "Andrew Sherman" <> напис.Hello Everyone,We just published "Wikimedia Ukraine unlocks ‘secret’ cultural heritage lists" to the blog. URL:Thanks to Vira for writing and translating the story and to Ed, Joe, and Fabrice for editing.Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed.Twitter (@wikimedia/@wikipedia):• Wikimedia Ukraine win a landmark victory for freedom of information in the country. (link)• Fighting in Ukrainian courts for freedom of information (link)• More fighting in Ukraine, this time for the freedom of information: (link)Facebook/Google+:• "This kind of work requires dedication, sleepless nights, and requires you to be in love with what you do and what for." (link)• Wikimedia Ukraine have gained access to lists of cultural heritage sites previously kept secret from the public. (link)Thanks,--Andrew ShermanDigital Communications | Wikimedia Foundation
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