James Alexander
Community Advocacy
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6716 @jamesofur

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Joe Sutherland <jsutherland@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Twitter (@wikimedia/@wikipedia):

• This #Wikipedia editor devoted hundreds of hours to one article.
• Two women are taking the lead on improving #Wikipedia's articles on the #Texas Revolution. Here's one of them.
• Ever wonder why #Wikipedia's articles on the #Texas Revolution are so good?
• 80 hours identifying sources, who knows how long reading them, and 300 hours of writing. And that's just one person.

I love the last one but would love to incorporate the  1 article piece too I think that resonates. How about:


• This #Wikipedia editor devoted hundreds of hours to one article.
• Ever wonder why #Wikipedia's articles on the #Texas Revolution are so good? 80 hours identifying sources, an untold number of hours reading them, and 300 hours of writing. That's just one of the people who worked on it.
• 80 hours identifying sources, an untold number of hours reading them, and 300 hours of writing. And that's just one of the people who worked on it.


I'm thinking #2