James Alexander
Legal and Community Advocacy
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6716 @jamesofur

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Michael Guss <mguss@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hello, here's specific media to thank the amazing people that nominated us! Give me the LGTMs to properly thank them and promote their videos on our social media channels!

To ARTExplains: http://www.projectforawesome.com/charity/wikimedia-foundation/project-for-awesome-2014-wikimedia-foundation--art

t: Thank you @ARTexplains for nominating us for the #ProjectForAwesome this year! We love your video & passion:

t: Thank you @NotThatHunter for nominating us for the #ProjectForAwesome this year! Good luck on your exams!

To NathanAndRose 

t: Thank you @nat_hutch & @thefiremouse for nominating us for the #projectforawesome this year! You guys are awesome!

f/g:  Thank you to all the YouTubers who nominated us for the Project For Awesome this year! We want to give specific shout outs to Rose Reynolds, Nathan Hutchcraft (Nathan & Rose), Richard Hunter (NotThatHunter), and Xander (ARTexplains) for making amazing videos promoting free knowledge for everyone. 

LGTM, only comment is that I might put an & in between 'Rose Reynolds' and 'Nathan Hutchcraft' I think that looks better to group them together. With all commas the (Nathan & Rose) looks like it's just talking about Nathan rather then both of them.