Hey all,

We just published "Supporting access to mass digitization collections" to the blog. URL:


Many thanks to Yana and Charles for this post.

Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed.

Twitter (@wikipedia/@wikimedia):
• The U.S. Copyright Office’s mass digitization pilot program is bad for free knowledge https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/10/09/access-mass-digitization/
• Wikimedia, @creativecommons, and @internetarchive submit comments on mass digitization to Copyright Office https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/10/09/access-mass-digitization/

• The U.S. Copyright Office’s proposed mass digitization pilot program is bad for free knowledge. We’ve submitted comments telling them why, as have our friends at Creative Commons and Internet Archive. https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/10/09/access-mass-digitization/


Joe Sutherland
Communications Intern [remote]
m: +44 (0) 7722 916 433 | t: @jrbsu | w: JSutherland