That sounds like a great idea. Is there an app that can handle tweet suggestions from external users? Meta is probably a good tool for this if there's no such app.


On Thursday, 23 July 2015, Ed Erhart <> wrote:
In Juliet and I's 1v1, we discussed setting up a page where Wikimedians could propose content and social messages that we could then post on our feeds.

So, for example, if I wrote yet another article on a battleship, I could come up with an unusual fact and propose that we feature it on @Wikipedia, etc.



On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Joe Sutherland <> wrote:
This seems like something we could (should?) be doing more often I think. Thanks Michael for getting these out.


On 22 July 2015 at 18:31, Michael Guss <> wrote:
Hi Katherine,

We shared the tetris effect, by the looks of the comments, it is resonating (I also thought it would be suitable for Twitter and G+): 

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Katherine Maher <> wrote:
Awesome! I will connect you two directly. :)

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 8:21 AM, Michael Guss <> wrote:
These are great Katherine! Especially thanks to Tess for curating these ideas. I think this is what our followers would really enjoy and more importantly share with their friends. 

On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, Katherine Maher <> wrote:

Some suggested posts from a volunteer. What do you think?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tess Mayall" <>
Date: Jul 22, 2015 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Facebook posts
To: "Katherine Maher" <>

> Hi Katherine,
> No problem at all. Wikimania looks like it was a huge success, congrats! Below are a few more posts, the bottom one is more evergreen content rather than news.
> Stephen Hawking announced a $100 million hunt for alien life this week. Did you know that he is the only guest star to play himself in the Star Trek universe?
> How does CRISPR work?
> Be careful playing too much Candy Crush or Farmville. The Tetris syndrome causes people to hallucinate or dream about the games they’re playing when they play too much.  
> Have a great week!
> Tess
> From: Katherine Maher <>
> To: Tess Mayall <>
> Sent: 7/21/2015 10:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Facebook posts
>> Hi Tess,
>> Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, things were a little crazy with Wikimania! I hope you're doing well!
>> Thanks for the kind words with regards to the latest news posts -- we're experimenting with how well they do on social, and it seems promising. Sort of silly it's never been done before :) And thank you for sending the ideas for social! I apologize that we didn't get the chance to follow up on them, they're quite compelling. I especially like the Pentaquark, which would be very interesting to our global audience.
>> Katherine
>> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Tess Mayall <> wrote:
>>> Hi Katherine,
>>> It was great talking with you a few weeks ago. I’ve been closely following all of wiki’s social media posts - I love that you've been posting on the latest news!
>>> Below are a few other topical posts I thought might be good for Wikipedia’s Facebook page:
>>> The pentaquark may have been proven yesterday, but it's been predicted since the 60's. Read the full story behind the world's hottest particle:
>>> 1st generation of #ipod: 5 GB for $399, new #ipodtouch: 128 GB for $400
>>> Happy Birthday Arianna Huffington! Did you know her birth name was Ariadnē-Anna Stasinopoúlou? Stasinopoúlou Post doesn't have quite the same ring to it:
>>> Hope this is helpful. If you’re ok with it, I might send you some ideas every few days.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Tess
>> --
>> Katherine Maher
>> Chief Communications Officer
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> 149 New Montgomery Street
>> San Francisco, CA 94105
>> +1 (415) 839-6885 ext. 6635
>> +1 (415) 712 4873

Michael Guss
Research Analyst

Katherine Maher
Chief Communications Officer
Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Michael Guss
Research Analyst

Social-media mailing list

Joe Sutherland
Communications Intern [remote]

Social-media mailing list

Ed Erhart
Editorial Intern
Wikimedia Foundation