Nice blog post. This contest reminds me of the Wikicup contests that I believe run on the German and English Wikipedias, and possibly others. Would you mind if I suggested this piece for cross-publication in the Signpost?
On Jul 10, 2015 5:23 PM, "Joe Sutherland" <> wrote:_______________________________________________Hey all,We just published "The Chinese Wikipedia’s Dong Yuan Ling wants you to contribute articles" to the blog. URL:Many thanks to Addis Wang for drafting this post.Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed (especially the Facebook copy).Twitter (@wikipedia/@wikimedia):• Dong Yuan Ling is now a tradition on the Chinese Wikipedia. (link)Facebook/Google+:• During last year's event, 80 editors created or improved 759 articles in 65 days. This year, they want to do better. (link)thanks,Joe--Joe Sutherland
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