Hello Everyone,

Found this interesting story - it was  published last month, but I believe it is evergreen content therefore I wrote some social.Thanks for reviewing!

It really demonstrates Wikipedia's relative success in brining the world's languages online. Take a look. Some nice graphs here. 


Tweet structure:

Account: @wikipedia

t: Wikipedia supports more languages than any other website on the planet.

t: Study: Wikipedia leads in supporting the most languages online. @Google, @Facebook, @Microsoft follow. #

t: 288 languages and counting. Way to go editors!

Facebook structure:

Account: wikipedia

f: There are 533 proposals for Wikipedia languages in incubator stage, more than twice the number of actual Wikipedias. Wikipedia is on track for doubling their language repository.

f: Most websites have yet to surpass five languages, Wikipedia has close to 300.

f: 288 languages approved, 533 proposed. “What you see reflects user initiative.”

Google+ structure:

Account: wikipedia

g: There are 533 proposals for Wikipedia languages in incubator stage, more than twice the number of actual Wikipedias. Wikipedia is on track for doubling their language repository.

g: Most websites have yet to surpass five languages, Wikipedia has close to 300.

g:288 languages approved, 533 proposed. “What you see reflects user initiative.”


Andrew Sherman
Digital Communications | Wikimedia Foundation