All invitations link to this wiki submissions page, which we would like to point to on social media as well:
Many thanks to Heather, Katherine and Victor for helping edit these docs! :)
And we also invite other members of the social media list to add more quality articles to this page. It’s a great learning opportunity for all of us!
Here are proposed social media messages for this story — you’re welcome to send them tomorrow morning, but wanted to get the ball rolling now:
Facebook/Google+ :
Can you help find high-quality Wikipedia articles about women and gender diversity?
We're preparing a community roundup of insightful articles for International Women's Day and WikiWomen’s History Month.
Please share links to your favorite article in the comments below. Or post them here:
We’ll announce our top picks here in two weeks.
Can’t think of any articles? Just look here for ideas:
Thanks for helping surface good content about gender diversity on our sites!
No Twitter :
At Katherine’s recommendation, we will *not* promote this initiative on Twitter, to avoid potential abuse on a channel we can’t control — and which didn’t contribute much to our last community outreach for ‘Love on the wikis'.
Feel free to suggest tweaks to this messaging, as needed.
Thanks for helping engage our social media followers to participate!
Fabrice Florin
Movement Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation