Hi there,Yes, Guillaume - let's do that. For these kind of profiles, I've found that using a direct quote amplifies reach and supplements the title extracted on Fb, Tw, and G+.For instance, on the Uzbek piece: https://www.facebook.com/wikipedia/posts/10153242284598346, reached over 200,000 people in a single push (and plus I think it pairs nicely).t: "We need more places like Wikipedia, these gardens of the internet." - Tomasz Ganicz (@Polimerek)Fb/G+ : “We need more places like Wikipedia, these gardens of the Internet.”--On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 1:53 PM, Guillaume Paumier <gpaumier@wikimedia.org> wrote:Great post! Thank you all for publishing this.
Tomasz is on twitter as https://twitter.com/Polimerek ; We could take this
opportunity to @-mention him.
Le lundi 15 juin 2015, 13:40:51 Andrew Sherman a écrit :
> Hello Everyone,
> We just published "Tomasz Ganicz recalls the early days of the Polish
> Wikipedia" to the blog. URL:
> <goog_2113270032>
> https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/06/08/tomasz-ganicz-polish-wikipedia/
> Thanks to Yoona for writing the story, Victor for interviewing Tomasz, and
> Fabrice, Ed, and Joe for editing.
> Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed.
> *Twitter:*
> •The early days of Polish Wikipedia, as recounted by veteran Tomasz Ganicz
> [link]
> •Tomasz Ganicz started editing the Polish Wikipedia one month after its
> launch. [link]
> •Chemist Tomasz Ganicz recalls the early days of the Polish Wikipedia [link]
> •Chemist Tomasz Ganicz recalls the early days of the Polish Wikipedia
> [link]
> *Facebook/Google+:*
> •Ganicz started editing one month after its launch.
> •Tomasz Ganicz is a chemist by trade–so it made sense for him to use that
> knowledge to build the •Polish Wikipedia.
> Thanks,
Guillaume Paumier
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