Hello Everyone,

Michael and I created some social last week for a Harvard article. URL:


Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed.

Tweet structure:

Account: @wikipedia

Wikipedia - @Harvard approved.

Top hits on @Google, @Harvard is on board, what’s next?

“Rather than complaining about it, why don’t we try to do good things with it.” -- Sean J. Gilsdorf

Its a big world out there. Never stop with only one source.

“The guilty secret of most academics is that they’re using Wikipedia, when they’re telling their students not to.” -- Sean J. Gilsdorf

Faculty members @Harvard pointed out several advantages of Wikipedia’s online format.

“Various Wikis often have more information than academically-sanctioned databases.” -- Sean J. Gilsdorf

“I think the collective encyclopedia is one of the truly thrilling innovations of our time.” -- W. James Simpson

FB | G+ structure:

Account: wikipedia

Professors in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences @Harvard said they see Wikipedia as more acceptable, even as a website that students can peruse for somewhat reliable information.

Harvard faculty believes distrust for Wikipedia has been replaced by a realization that the site can be “a good source for certain areas,” including basic scientific data and formulae.


Andrew Sherman
Digital Communications | Wikimedia Foundation