On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:31 PM, James Alexander <jalexander@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Welcome Alex!

Some comments inline (if you think you'll do this often you are also welcome to join this mailing list, which is open to community and staff members interested in social media posts.

James Alexander
Legal and Community Advocacy
Wikimedia Foundation

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:

I'd like to post the following announcement regarding a new Project and Event Grant to Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.

FB/Google +

Wikimedia ZA (https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaZA) receives Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grant to support the first gathering of Wikimedians from across Africa. Check out Wiki Indaba to learn more: http://wikiindaba.net!

The text looks good to me, sadly we can't do the image :(  unless they want to put it into the public domain at least. The ToU with facebook does not allow us to post normal creative commons images  (unless we, the foundation, own them). Instead of actually posting the link to their facebook page we'll just link their name.


@Wikimedia_ZA receives @Wikimedia Project & Event Grant to support the first gathering of Wikimedians across Africa at Wiki Indaba: http://wikiindaba.net.

You generally don't want to start a tweet with @ (it turns it  into a 'reply' and doesn't go into our main twitter timeline/stream. You can get around that with a period at the start (i.e. .@Wikimedia_ZA ) but probably best to reword without it at the front if we can.

hmm thinking about how to do that.

Maybe lead with the news about the Indaba? It's also a little long. I think we want to promote that it's happening more than the grant, right? If so, suggestion:
Wiki Indaba will be the first gathering of Wikimedians across Africa, hosted by @Wikimedia_ZA! http://wikiindaba.net  

Please note this is my first time using Twitter, so any feedback is appreciated!



Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

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