meh, I'd be against tweeting about it. SOOOOO not a story. As far as I can tell (may have missed something for sure) the first time in the past couple months his height was mentioned at all was in this edit (which, along with the edit after that, actually put him at what I think? is his desired 5'9 (sorry I'm assuming he didn't like being called short :) ). After that there was a collection of edits going back and forth a couple areas, most of which were reverted in short order and then protection. The entire incident (which resulted in it basically just going back to how it was before without any mention of his height at all) was less then an hour. It screams either a manufactured story or friends playing around probably in the very same room as him :).On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Michael Guss <> wrote:Google still says he is 5'6 .I can't find height anywhere on his page though.His page is semi-protected - some action confirmed from his revision history.We already have 5 media mentions about his beef with Wikipedia, including TIME.On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Katherine Maher <> wrote:Might make a funny tweet.
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