Hi - comments below. :)

On 22 April 2015 at 5:07:44 pm, Michael Guss (mguss@wikimedia.org) wrote:

Hello everyone,

Today is Earth Day, an annual event held to demonstrate support for environmental protection and recognized by more than 192 countries. Let's have our social media accounts take notice of this significant day of recognition for mother Earth. Thanks for reviewing!

t: On this day in 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. #EarthDay

t: DYK #EarthDay is "the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day

Needs a question mark :)

t: DYK #EarthDay is celebrated worldwide by more than 192 countries? 

I like this one the best.

f/g: Did you know that April 22 was chosen for Earth day to maximize participation on college campuses for "environmental teach-ins".

f/g: Did you know Earth Day, recognized by more than 192 countries worldwide, is the "largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year."

Question marks plz :) Bottom one I like best.

Thanks Michael!


Michael Guss
Research Analyst
Social-media mailing list

Joe Sutherland
Communications Volunteer
m: +44 7722 916 433 | t: @jrbsu