Wikipedia is my go-to source of quick reference when I need background information on just about any topic matter. Thank you! |
As a Japanese teacher to non-Japanese, I check how to express events & culture in Japan written in both English and Japanese. |
Wikipedia's wonderful...that people can unite, cooperate & sacrifice their time in order to write & contribute to this huge project.
There was a time I studied for a German test by checking verb/noun declination on Wikipedia - and I got a pretty high grade! |
I have abandoned all other (particularly printed) sources of information. To me, wikipedia is the smartest thing on the web! |
It's nice to know that whenever you do not know something, there is a place to learn it easily. Maybe cliche, but it's true. |
I believe sex, software, and knowledge (not necessary in this order) should be free and suitable for all people, everytime. |
Free Knowledge has helped me to rely on updated and concentrated information. In other words, saved my hell a lot of time!! |
I use it several times a day. I find authors, painters, geographic locations, animals...even use it for crossword puzzles. |
I use Wikipedia every day of every month of every year. It carries me through life, school, university, work, and leisure. |
In med school I learned more anatomy from Wikipedia's wonderful hyperlinked Gray's Anatomy articles than I did in class. |
I like the fast way that information can change. If there's any important news, it will not last to appear in Wikipedia. |
I've never used a dictionary as much as I've used Wikipedia. So it's not about this one time, it's about all the time. |
I love information...This site has done more for me and my quest for knowledge than the rest of the internet combined. |
Very informative, straight-forward, and reliable. There's not a lot of garbage to sift through to obtain information. |
Slammed my arrogant stock broker brother-in-law when we were arguing over which of two countries had the larger GDP. |
It uses up a lot of my time. It's the only site where I allow myself to follow any like I want for more information. |
I pretty much use it as a hitchhikers' guide, especially when out and about with a smartphone. feels pretty sci-fi! |
I once heard that Thursday was named for Thor, next thing you know I'm learning about the entire Norse Pantheon. |
Being impoverished and largely homebound, you bring the world and its history to my fingertips and into my home. |
It's one of my first landing points...where I [can] see an independent, quick, structured overview of a subject. |
Wikipedia allows me to educate myself for free, anytime, anywhere. They would have laughed at you 60 years ago! |
There was this one time when I was in the Colosseo in Rome and Wikipedia helped me to live the history again |
There was a time when I'd wonder about something and not be able to check it instantly. That time is over. |
Quick and generally accurate information source is a wonderful educational reinforcement and enhancement. |
It is wonderful to have a non-biased repository of information on every conceivable topic under the sun. |
My knowledge of reality has improved since using Wikipedia. It is my main tool in resolving doubts. |
I cannot specify this to a single instance. Wikipedia affects my life in a lot of ways. Keep it up! |
Efficient, interesting, useful information in a [clear] interface...just what I need when and how. |
I'm one of those teachers that says in class something like: "Just check the Wikipedia for more." |
I have learned more from Wikipedia than any educational institution I have ever been a member of. |
I'm just amazed for the fact that it is so handy and and provides info in different languages. |
When I attended elementary school, Wikipedia taught me more about physics, than school itself. |
The experience of having the collective knowledge of the world at my fingertips is invaluable. |
If I need information - real knowledge - I use wiki, not Google or similar internet service. |
It helped me through high-school and now it's helping me through University :) Thanks guys! |
It's just an everyday tool. Frankly, I don't and I won't remember my life before Wikipedia. |
In my view, Wikipedia is the new Library of Alexandria, public knowledge for everybody. |
It's the only place I go to where I believe I can get credible, impartial information. |
Medical school would be so much harder without Wikipedia. I can't stress that enough. |
For many years, Wikipedia has fed my desire to acquire trivial and fun knowledge. |
Wikipedia is now my prime source of info like teh encycloedia was for my parents |
When I refer to Wikimedia, I expect to learn all I need to know on the subject. |
It's opened up vast new worlds of information -- less rumor, more fact.
Free information. Something we take for granted but can change lives. |
Compiled knowledge - often correct, sometimes like a second opinion. |
No need to have the entire room filled with book cabinets anymore! |
It has helped me win a few bucks when betting on facts - thanks!! |
Anything I learn changes or has the potential to change my life. |
I basically owe my biochemistry bachelors degree to Wikipedia.There has never been an easier way to access information.
Wikipedia is my encyclopedia in this post-digital age. |
Great work. It already made world history! Well done. |
I spend a lot more time editing than I should! ;-$ |
I don't need encyclopedias (Brockhaus) anymore. |
More information = your life is more colorful. |
I love to bring an encyclopedia in my pocket.
I don't know something? Wikipedia answer me. |
It's just everywhere, everytime information. |
It stops a lot of silly arguments quickly! |
It makes me feel my brain expandable. |
It is my first source of information. |
It's simple: I trust it as a source.
Provides a standard for information. |