Hey all,We just published "Raising awareness of endangered species, one Wikipedia page at a time: Christian Cariño" to the blog. URL:Many thanks to Yoona and Victor for this post!Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed.There will be an accompanying video for the Spanish edition of this post: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christian_Cari%C3%B1o.webmThe Spanish translations are **not yet checked!**Walter: Can you perhaps take a look at these?Twitter (@wikimedia):• Biologist Christian Cariño is using Wikipedia to write about endangered species. (link)• El biólogo Christian Cariño está utilizando Wikipedia para escribir sobre las especies en peligro de extinción. (link)Facebook/Google+:• "I realised that the digitalisation of information made the encyclopedia grow, and that made me fall in love with Wikipedia and the movement." (link)• "Me di cuenta que el digitalizar la información pues hacía que la enciclopedia creciera y de ahí me enamoré de Wikipedia y del movimiento. (link)thanks,Joe--Joe Sutherland
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