Hey Pete!

Not to worry, we are here to help. There's an easy (if apparently obscure) answer here: the social media list.

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On Oct 23, 2015 01:47, "Pete Forsyth" <pete@wikistrategies.net> wrote:
Hi Katherine and/or Tilman,

I've been searching Meta for the answer, but coming up short. Could you publish a tweet and Facebook post about our event at WMF next Wednesday? We are putting a heavy focus on international participation; I've been promoting in the Americas, Asia, Australia etc. (It will be the middle of the night for Europe/Africa.)

Here is a suggested tweet:
Webinar: Wikipedia & Open Access, featuring @JakeOrlowitz @mbeisen @sklaporte @peteforsyth: Oct 28 / 92. http://wikistrategies.net/oa-panel #oaw15sf


Pete Forsyth
Principal, Wiki Strategies